Advertising and Consumer's Self-esteem

My View

It seems that advertisements are all around us and for people living in large cities, it is impossible to avoid billboards, especially on the way to work, where ads are on every corner. Also, households which are equipped with TV, tablet and other electronic devices are very likely to be influenced by what they see on their screens. In fact, our daily exposure to advertisements depends on many elements which depend on the country we are from, the city where we live in, the place where we work or how the person travels to job and how the individual likes to spend leisure time. 

Since young age, excessive TV exposure and spending time on the Internet leads to juvenile premature sexualization, decrease of self-confidence, hopelessness, exaggerated expectations, material perception of the world and overall mental health damage. Children and teenagers are most easily affected and can be easily persuaded when it comes to advertisements. That leads to 2 main problems which are related to Body Image and Advertising, and the impact on consumer.

As mentioned in previous posts, one of the most dangerous problems is Eating Disorder, which develops from ideal body obsession, making mainly women start a strict diet in order to look thin. The most common might be Mental anorexia, where the individual drastically reduces food intake and goes through extreme weight loss. Samely with bulimia, individual heavily overeats and vomits.

The second problem is materialism caused by advertising agencies which make use of the „peer pressure mechanism ”– an effect whereby the individuals most likely to be easily labeled by their friends and society as an outsider if the individual does not possess what others do. It seems that there is a growing trend which emphasizes to children and adolescents that they are what they own.

Billboards are great example, where the photos look suggestive, showing us the world we want it to be. They make us think that if we buy the exhibited product, we will be as beautiful and happy as the attractive character or the characters in the photo.

TV advertisements are another example of advertising. It seeks to convince consumers of the need to purchase the promoted product. Someone suggests to someone that if he or she does not buy it, he or she is not good enough than his or her neighbor who buys the product. Advertising not only imposes on us what to buy, but also dictates to us what to do, how to live in order to be perfect.

To be perfect is a dream of any woman and girl. Therefore, they are being easily influenced by magazine ads. Looking at the photos of beautiful models, women and especially young girls do not realize that photos can be retouched and what is presented to them is an illusion and not a reality. They want to resemble to beautiful models in advertisements for high-end cosmetics or luxury clothing. They spend money on goods they would otherwise want, like models to buy not only by buying certain goods they use, but also by appearance. They are holding various nonsensical drastic diets, undergo plastic surgeries, damaging their health and some ending in a trap called anorexia.

To summarize, everyone has an own idea of a perfect body image. Unfortunatelly, it is set by commercials where models have perfect lips or nose, and this picture keeps repeating on screens until it becomes a standard and everyone strives for it. However, we do not see that most of it is edited and retouched. Therefore, we should always know that what we see is actually not real, and that we are beautiful just the way we are.



Advertising and Consumer's Self-esteem

For Further Research

The access to the media is so much easier than before and plays a significant role in our lives. It’s because people are not satisfied with their bodies and look for something more beautiful to follow. Often it is not the true beauty and it is important to know it. If you are interested in this topic, feel free and check these websites and studies which you may find interesting.

Here is an article done by Amy Roeder and it focuses at how toxic commercials could be and have a negative impact on your health.
Harvard T.H.Chan – School of Public Health

Another website which is also interesting to read is this research done by Ui-Jeen Yu, Mary L. Damhorst and Daniel W. Russell. The study describes this issue in detail.

The Impact of Body Image on Consumers’ Perceptions of Idealized Advertising Images and Brand Attitudes’_Perceptions_of_Idealized_Advertising_Images_and_Brand_Attitudes

And lastly, article below includes some interesting stats related to body image and ads.

Social Media and Body Image

Advertising and Consumer's Self-esteem

What the Experts Say II

Another source which talks about Advertisement and Consumer’s self esteem issue is The Balance Careers.

According to Paul Suggett, the author of this article, Body Image and Advertisement has for the past 20-30 years experienced some strong correlation between these two elements .

Body Image Statistics 

Here are some statistics from Joel Miller’s article on media and body image that may be shocking to read:

  • On average, most models weigh 23% less than the average woman. Twenty years ago, this difference was a mere 8%.
  • Problems with eating disorders have increased over 400% since 1970.
  • Only 5% of US women fit the body type popularly portrayed in today’s advertising.
  • 69% percent of girls concurred that models found in magazines had a major influence on their concept of what a perfect body shape should look like.

So what can be done?

As stated by The Balance Careers, we can see some brands fighting for the real beauty, they could try hard as much they can, but giant brands and advertisers will not change if the public remains voting for it with their money. Until the public will respond more positively and accept images of real people, very little is going to change. What might help is that people can put pressure on brands to represent us in more realistic ways, especially by calling it out on social media. Of course, we should do whatever we can to educate children and young adults that advertising is not a reflection of what we should be but a convenient fantasy designed to sell something. 

The Impact of Body Image Advertising

Advertising and Consumer's Self-esteem

What the Experts Say I

In a previous posts you could read that Advertising might lower consumer’s self-esteem and lead to eating disorders or BDD – Body Dismorphic Disorder.

Here is a study done by Faridoon, MariamIqbal, Nazia where authors talk about that exposure to TV advertisements lead to dissatisfaction with the body image and increases materialism.

According to Collin’s Dictionarry, Materialism is the attitude of someone who attaches a lot of importance to money and wants to possess a lot of material things.

In this study, authors claim that Advertisers emotionally manipulate adolescents and „seduce“ them into buying things, which are not necessary to own. However, Advertisers put strong emphasis on physical appearance and this way they are also setting standard among young people. Therefore, teenagers start to see purpose of life in physical appearance and owning the most trendy products.

Effect of Advertisements on Body Image and Materialism Among Adolescents: A Gender Perspective:


Suggett, P. (2019, July 25). Can Today’s Ads Be Harmful to Our Self-Esteem? Retrieved from

Advertising and Consumer's Self-esteem

Current Events II: Body Dismorphic Disorder

We live in a society that values attractive faces and bodies and ridicules everything that is considered unattractive. This attitude explains why overweight women and underweight men tend to be more depressed which later leads to suicidal thoughts.

The perception of an unsatisfactory physical appearance as a physical weakness is called a Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).

Some research studies claim that up to 8 out of 10 women have a problem with their reflection in the mirror. Therefore, in a recent study, psychologists have decided to determine the extent to which this cause of stress is present in patients suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) or „Appearance Dissatisfaction“. This syndrome is characterized by excessive dissatisfaction with some parts of the body, even though they are absolutely in normal form.

This disorder occurs more and more and requires attention. while many adults are busy with life, it can have extremely devastating consequences for teenagers. In extreme cases, such perception becomes a mental illness, which then becomes an anxiety or stress disorder.

An unhealthy, deceitful, persistent image stemming from unreal or insignificant imperfection causes depression, isolation or even suicide attempts in adolescents. Individuals who suffer from impaired body perception almost continually think about their appearance, or look at mirror almost all the time. This increases the risk of developing eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia (a sick appetite and subsequently induced vomiting). Eating disorders appear to increase the risk of suicide.

Every woman dreams about perfect body and many are not afraid to take various risks and procedures for her own beauty confidence and satisfaction. The pressure of the media that casts on us celebrities with the body of the goddess, a flawless face and a big bust is not negligible. Who wouldn’t want to look that perfect too? Unfortunately, the path to a dreamlike appearance can easily become a literally way to hell. The fear of one’s own ugliness and aging leads to one plastic operation after another, but such interventions cannot sustain your body and psyche for a long time.

Body Dismorphia and dependence on plastic surgeries

A single plastic surgery can make miracles. The surgeon can remove scars after an injury, shape a perfect nose, sew up protruding ears, enlarge breasts, etc. When the individual decides to do so for absolutely rational reasons and he/she does not overdo it, everything is fine. After the procedure, the person gets what he or she desired and has increased self confidence. However, people who undergo these surgeries should be beware of eternal dissatisfaction for inventing reasons to go under the knife again to a plastic surgeon, etc. In this case, it is a psychological problem, professionally called Dismorphia, or impaired perception of your body. A person with this disorder will not suffice one plastic operation, because the result does not meet the expectation, and so they strive to remake themselves again and again and again. The individual gets into an endless dissatisfaction and undergoes surgeries, treatments. This is not dangerous just for the body but also for the psyche.

‚I understand you’ve had some trouble with your breast implants.‘
Advertising and Consumer's Self-esteem

Current events I: Eating Disorders

One of the most dangerous problems related to Advertising and dissatisfaction with own body image is Eating Disorder.

Eating psychological disorders. Bilimia, anorexia and normal. Vector illustration

Recognition, emotions and self-acceptance..

The pursuit of the ideal of beauty is again stronger than ever before with the increasing connection of the world thanks to the Internet and Social Networks. Unfortunately, with such a desire for a beautiful body, but also a healthy lifestyle, with psychological pressure for a perfect life, many find themselves in trouble that could be labeled and summed up in one: Eating Disorder. Today, everyone knows that it is most often anorexia or bulimia. These are mental illnesses with a very dangerous prognosis if not treated properly. However, there are other problems then just binge eating. Orthorexia and bigorexia are considered as eating disorders as well. But these diseases are not just a problem for young girls today. They can strike anytime and anyone. For example, a perfectionist woman at her 40 years of her life is in danger as well…

The most common might be Mental anorexia, where patients have drastically reduced food intake and had a life-threatening weight loss.

Equally with bulimia, people heavily overeat and go get food out of the body as quickly as possible, most often by vomiting. These eating disorders are now widely publicized and well-known.

Due to the increasing trends of healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition and ideal body there have been other disorders, which may not be so obvious, yet have a very negative impact on the psyche and especially the health of a person.

There are more factors out there which trigger young people such as negative inspiration set by social networks, negative comments on social media, identification with the „perfect“ idol and disproportionate demands. Clear symptoms of the disease are impaired perception of one’s body, dissatisfaction, rejection of one’s body and distorted image of proportions or, for example, the inability to identify inner feelings such as hunger.

Where is the problem?

The media, advertisers, promoters of healthy lifestyle, public figures, celebrities, but also the professional communities, are the ones who should be involved in correcting and pointing out the possible dangers and extremes. They play an important role in preventing these disorders.

Another way how to achieve perfect body is to eat healthy and exercise. Besides that, it is important to relax.

Psychiatrists claim that the disorder can strike at any age and anyone, and its treatment is always over the long run, which may not always end up positively.

Advertising and Consumer's Self-esteem

Advertising and Consumer’s Self-Esteem

Does your physical appearance make you feel less confident and insecure?

Nowadays, the fashion and beauty industry is already widely criticized for using retouched and refined photographs that do not reflect the real look of both women and men, creating unrealistic ideas about how people look and most importantly – how they should look. Beauty magazines, fashion shows, billboards are constantly reminding people on the streets what is the body image standard and for some people, they also decide what is beautiful and what is not. Women has to embody it, be the „ideal woman“ and men must have the woman who embodies it. Trying to fulfill the ideal body image requires a lot of energy and drains the physical and mental powers, becoming a black hole where savings and time fall.

Why is this topic important?

Because in this day and age, we spend more time on social media more than ever. People post edited pictures of their perfect bodies on social media to get recognition from the audience in form of views, likes and comments.